Rum Raisin Banana Bread

Rum Raisin Banana Bread

When I first opened my shop on Fishers Island, I spent many hours in the kitchen trying to come up with really unique recipes, but what I found people were most drawn to were the simple standards; lasagna, great grinders (a sub like sandwich), lobster rolls, the...
Chocolate Chip Cookie

Chocolate Chip Cookie

I was walking towards the end of the dock when she ran up behind me and said with great pride, “I have sixteen boo-boos on my legs” and then the six-year-old or so, jumped off the dock, water-wings and all. I was a sissy and lowered myself down the ladder – glacier...
Peach and Berry Crisp

Peach and Berry Crisp

The second bicycle was tightly strapped onto the rack on the back of the car and our ever loyal companion, China, not the spry pup she once was, was gently lifted into the back of our SUV. One last run through our house to make sure plants were watered and doors and...
Strawberry Rhubarb Galette

Strawberry Rhubarb Galette

April began with visits from our sons, one coming from the east and one from the west, to share Easter with us. It was a casual holiday with lovely warm weather, family get-togethers, skiing and lots of laughs. But, once again Mother Nature lulled us into a false...
Sonoran Orange & Ginger Tart

Sonoran Orange & Ginger Tart

The first day of Spring is right around the corner, and I couldn’t be more excited! The sun is shining, the snow melting and the mountain grasses are turning green again. In Colorado, winter is mostly colored in muted tones highlighted by the white of snow, but spring...
Vanilla Meringues with Fresh Peach & Raspberry Coulis

Vanilla Meringues with Fresh Peach & Raspberry Coulis

Yesterday I was inspired by the morning light that I saw peeking through our bedroom curtains with a hue of pink and yellow, similar to the honeysuckle in our yard.  I made my way down the stairs with our pup and kitty in tow. Outside on the deck, the wood was cold...